Richard Shed 
esign, Research & Strategy

Creative Nudges
Personal Project
Creative Nudges are an inventory of animated prompts collated from creative practitioners in my network

Accessed via Instagram they are digestable little prods for people to use along the creative process 

For the moments when you need a little nudge to help you get unstuck, change direction or shift gear
I love the creative process and I love hearing from other creative practitioners about theirs. 

I decided to start recording other people's creative nudges, the little things they do through the process to get unstuck, to change direction or shift gear.

I set myself the constraint of quuckly turning these creative nudges into simple animations using photoshop and illustrator.

I shared these nudges through a website and an Instagram account.

👇 Illustrated below:
  • Get a friend involved 
  • Use the walls 
  • Mix up pens, mix up paper 
  • Plug your ears
  • Make a brew

© Richard Shed