Richard Shed 
esign, Research & Strategy

Future Juice
For: ThoughtFull Design
Client: Frucor Suntory
An innovation project to help juice re-define it's job

A combination of multiple competitors and rising public concerns about sugars in foods and drinks meant that juice needed to re think the job it performs

The fruit-based category globally is in decline due to a growing perception amongst consumers of the negative health effects of juice. This perception has made its way into key historic occasions that the category once dominated.

We met users, observed them in-context to deeper understand the job juice currently plays, used to play and might play in their lives. We developed near term and future concepts for user groups which moved the product from traditional product on shelves to new products, systems and experiences.

  • Exemplars and Competitor Research
  • In-context User Research
  • Developing User Types
  • Experience Mapping
  • Defining Opportunity Spaces
  • Identifying Desirability Drivers
  • Concept Generation
  • Concept Testing

x6 concept packs, each with a experience journey, proposition and customer feedback. These concepts were fed into Frucor/Suntorys new product pipeline.


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© Richard Shed